March 12, 2020 (Updated August 24, 2020)
We are committed to the health and safety of our church community. To date, the First Seventh-day Adventist Church of White Plains has no confirmed cases of COVID-19 associated with our facilities or membership. Out of an abundance of caution however, after an extraordinary meeting held Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm, the pastoral team has implemented the following protocols effective immediately:
- All gatherings for services, meetings and activities are postponed until further notice.
- Every Saturday, members and friends may watch online our YouTube Channel, FWPCenter, and join the Bible Study Discussion at 10:00 am (led by Elder Donald Webb) and the Worship Experience at 11:00 am (Led by Pastor Sean Dowding and Elder Robert Webb). Our Sabbath afternoon Bible Class at 4:00 pm and Wednesday Night Prayer Meetings at 7:30 pm (led by Elders Adrian Alvaranga and Dalbert Watson).
- The Adventist Community Services (ACS) team will only distribute “window” deliveries to families. By precaution, the public will not be allowed to enter the building and are asked to remain in their cars. Those who come on foot must wear a mask, hand sanitize and maintain social distancing of 6 feet part from each other.
We continue to adhere to all NY State directives and pastoral team decisions concerning the pandemic, and how it affects our church.
We continue to closely monitor and evaluate information from multiple sources including state and federal agencies to inform our future decisions. This is a rapidly evolving situation. Please continue to monitor your e-mail, WhatsApp Notice Board and social media platforms for daily updates.
Our local Task Force for the Re-opening phase of our church is working very hard to prepare the building and staff for re-entry. They will guide us and determine a planned and phased reentry as soon as it is safe to do so and all the required conditions are in place.
Friends, we pray that the Lord will watch over our nation and keep us safe during these challenging times. Let us not be disheartened, nor lose faith in God as we go through this pandemic. Stay strong and of good courage. God will keep us in perfect peace.
Issued by the Pastoral Administration
Updated August 24, 2020.
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