Who We Are
Welcome to Fellowship Worship Praise Center - FWPCenter
At FWPCenter (First SDA Church of White Plains), we seek to meet you where you are, understand and meet your needs, as we invite you to join in the purpose of our community. Our loving God has a seeking heart, reaching out to you, no matter what you have done. We want you to discover our loving God and Friend who seeks a love relationship with you. It is our privilege to fulfill the seeking mission in the seeking heart of a seeking God. Our approach, our worship, what we offer, is built around you, your community and your new experience with God
Fellowship qualifies our nature, core being and reason to exist. In our name we respond to the call to unite as a group with the purpose of taking a journey to experience Fellowship...
Worship qualifies our nature, core being and reason to exist. In our name we respond to His reasonable call to Worship Him alone...
Praise qualifies our nature, core being and reason to exist. In our name we naturally respond to the admiration of His love and goodness with our Praise. Wherever we meet becomes your Center, your lighthouse, your refuge.