To be well educated
Hear, my son, the instruction of your father, and do not reject the teaching of your mother; 9 For it’s a crown of grace for your head, and an ornament for your neck, “Proverbs 1.8.
The instructions and teachings of parents to a child are compared to a crown of grace and an ornament (necklace) around the neck. The aspiration of a young prince is naturally his eventual enthronement, the highest place of honor which, according to royalty, is a natural destiny.
Solomon, the wise king, in his exhortation towards the young, makes it clear to this young man and by extension to all the young people of all times, that there is something that is equal, or even superior to the glory of a palace and kingly attire and honor: teaching and instruction.
King Solomon at the time of these words remembered well what he was without the direct instruction of the Lord (YHWH). He was aware of what he had become through the teachings of the Holy Spirit, (1 Kings 3.5-14). King Solomon therefore chose in Pr 1.8, 9, to pass on the teachings of the Lord as a father who speaks to his son exactly as his father David had done with him, (1 R 2.1-9).
Therefore, in the text of Proverbs 1: 8, 9 the importance is placed on what would make a king, a man or a woman the greatest, honorable, and wise: to be well educated.